Frequent flyer points.

  • The redemption value of an average frequent flyer point is approximately 0.5-0.7 cents. We can help get you much more!

  • That’s right, frequent flyer points aren’t just magical numbers gifted to us by the airplane gods, they actually have an economic value.

Maximise your points before it’s too late!

  • Millions of frequent flyer points expire each year in Australia, leaving an empty feeling in your stomach and in your account. Don't become another statistic. 

  • Airlines are constantly changing their Frequent Flyer programs - often to your detriment. Redeem today or regret tomorrow. 

How it works?

  • Fill in the form and one of our experienced consultants will get back to you within 24 hours to help you get the most out of your hard earned points.


Help us maximize
your points

Simply tell us what points you have and where you would like to go via the attached form, and we will get back to you with a comprehensive evaluation within 24 hours.


Contact Us

ABN: 41541308008

Email: Info@onyapoints.com.au
